“Mass of the Children” Rehearsal Resources

The MP3 practice tracks linked here are for studying and rehearsing. Scroll down the page to find

  • Accompaniments

  • Balanced Voices

  • Children

  • Soprano

  • Alto

  • Tenor

  • Bass


  • Some of the children’s parts appear combined into the soprano and alto tracks, and are labeled as such.

  • The Gloria movement is not offered in the following set of practice tracks; it’s the only one missing. Choralia (which provides training aids for choral singers) does offer the complete Mass of the Children, including Gloria. Click HERE to access their practice materials. You may make a donation or not; either will work; your personal choice. To use Choralia without paying a donation: click “stop!” next to the “ads stop” section near the top, then wait for the files to load in about 15 seconds.  


Balanced Voices


Soprano (and Children)

Alto (and Children)

