Virtual Performance Instructions

Perhaps the most innovative yet challenging part of participating in a virtual chorus is when members are asked to record a video that will be stitched together into a virtual performance. We have prepared some helpful advice and tutorials to assist you in navigating through this important component of the VCR.

In addition, we have a blog created on the CICA website where you can ask questions of fellow members and staff, share your own ideas, or have a place to turn to when you encounter a challenge. To access the blog, click HERE.

Click the following for information on:

  1. Attire for the recording

  2. How to prepare a space in your home or office for recording

  3. Steps and procedures for recording your video

  4. Recording Tips Video

  5. How to upload your video once satisfied with it


Due to the virtual setting of our performances, members should realize that concert attire will be viewed in a new manner; in this case, close up and from the waist up as this will be the primary view of our audience. With this in mind, it is very important to adhere to the mandatory attire listed below. Colors and styles have been chosen to provide uniformity and the best possible video representation. Also, please keep framing for your video recording in mind - see “Recording Your Video” for additional support. Although not shown in your video or made mandatory, planning for pants and shoes should be kept in mind to keep you comfortable but should remain unseen during the recording.


The image above shows a poor example of lighting. Face is not well-lit and there is a shaded window in the background. Remember, to face windows or provide front lighting for best overall lighting effect.

The image above shows a poor example of lighting. Face is not well-lit and there is a shaded window in the background. Remember, to face windows or provide front lighting for best overall lighting effect.

To record your video for virtual performances, you will need two devices: one device to listen to the performance track and another device to record your performance. You can use any combination of a desktop or laptop computer, a tablet, a smartphone, a digital camera, or a video camera, however, a smartphone is recommended for recording your video due to its easy to use applications for recording and uploading videos. You will need to wear headphones or earbuds connected to the device that will be used to playback the performance track. These are necessary so that you can clearly listen to the guiding track while ensuring that only your voice is being recorded.

  1. If possible, please record your video in front of a plain wall that is white, off-white or beige, or other plain background of similar color. No decorative objects such as artwork, posters, furniture, shelving, decorative items, etc. should be on the wall serving as your background. Also, careful not to include ceiling fans or shuttered or shaded windows in your background.

  2. Make sure you look good and that your appearance represents CICA with the highest of quality. Please refer to the “Attire for Virtual Performances" section for mandatory dress requirements for virtual performances. It is expected that members use the same thoughtfulness in their appearance as they would for a live traditional performance.

  3. Please make sure your face is brightly-lit with no bright windows or doors located behind you. Refer to “Tips for Preparing for Your Zoom Rehearsal / Lighting” section for guidelines for providing optimum lighting for your recording.

  4. If you can, record in a quiet room with the door closed to reduce unnecessary noise. Turn off fans, air conditioners or anything that could make noise during your recording time.

  5. Make sure to silence devices (including sounds generated from notifications) to avoid interruptions. On some smart devices, sounds will interrupt either the recording or playback of your audio.

  6. Please make sure that only you are in the video. No invited guests or video bombing by friends, family or pets allowed!

  7. Do some test recording before proceeding to do your main recording. It is always a good idea to record yourself practicing and then playback the video to carefully evaluate how you sound and to judge the overall quality of the recording.


This image shows the correct justification on your smartphone for video recording. Please use the portrait format as indicated in the image above.

This image shows the correct justification on your smartphone for video recording. Please use the portrait format as indicated in the image above.

This image shows the correct framing position. Note how the left and right of the lower portion of the screen is framed with the person’s shoulders and upper arms, and that there is a small gap between the person’s head and the uppermost portion of …

This image shows the correct framing position. Note how the left and right of the lower portion of the screen is framed with the person’s shoulders and upper arms, and that there is a small gap between the person’s head and the uppermost portion of the frame.

  1. Record your video using a vertical (portrait) format. This will assist the video editor in having the best format to edit and will unify the look for the virtual performance.

  2. You will want to fill the frame with your head and shoulders, leaving a small space above your head with a little more space below your chin. Do not be concerned about the sides of the video appearing empty as that will be handled in the post production phase.

  3. You may use your music during the recording, but you will want to give the appearance that you have it memorized for the best possible look during the recording process. Better yet, work to memorize your music prior to the recording. If you must use your music, work to position it so that it is not seen during the recording process. Have it located in such a way that it gives the illusion that you are looking into the lens of the camera.

  4. Your facial expressions during the recording should reflect the emotional intentions of the text and music. Refer to notes that the instructor and your choral assistant have given you regarding this. As facials will be even more observable during a virtual performance vs. a traditional, in-person performance, you must make every effort to enliven your face for the benefit of our audience.

  5. When ready, first start the recording of your video on your smartphone then the playback of the guiding track on your secondary device.

  6. You will hear a click track layered over the guiding track giving you the introductory beats prior to the start of singing. You will have worked with your choral assistant prior to this recording to fully understand how the click track works.

  7. The click track has been designed to serve as a synchronous element to knit everything together during the post production stage. Do your best to stay with the click track and accurately sing all phrases with proper breathing, rhythms, dynamics and phrase nuances while remembering the importance of keeping all vowels and consonants uniform. Refer to the notes in your music to assist you with recalling these important details.

  8. After recording, conduct a critical playback and self-critique of your video. Print and use the checklist posted on the CICA website by clicking HERE. Complete and score the checklist as you watch and listen to your video. After totaling the score, check to see if you have met the mark for excellence. If so, congratulations, your recording is done and ready for uploading! Scores below the mark for excellence should be re-recorded focusing on the lowest scoring items of the self-critique during the recording time. Please feel free at any time to contact your choral assistant should you have questions about the checklist or if you wish to have another critical ear view and listen to your video recording.

 Recording Tips VIDEO

Click HERE for a YouTube video of tips for recording your songs. It is suggested that you sign up for a free YouTube account for ease of access across all your devices.

 Uploading your Video

Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to successfully upload each of your completed videos. Make sure you have completed the "Video Self-Evaluation" worksheet and received a passing mark before proceeding further. The Video Self-Evaluation worksheet may be accessed by clicking HERE.

  1. Click below on the name of the choral selection whose video you wish to upload.

  2. You will be directed to a Dropbox site. Verify that the title of choral selection whose video you are uploading matches the title of the video you will be uploading.

  3. Before selecting your video file on your device, please make sure you have named it using the format provided by the conductor or your choral assistant. Failure to name your video file using the provided format will result in your file being misplaced among the files in the drive and will add time to the post production phase of editing.

  4. Click the button on the Dropbox site that allows you to locate your video on your device. Please note, as instructions for locating files may vary from device to device, you may have to understand how to locate your video file for your particular device. Please refer to your device’s instructions or search for online supports to understand how to locate a video file on the device you are using.

  5. You can only submit one video recording for each individual title you have been asked to record so make sure it is your best!

  6. Once your video is uploaded, it cannot be deleted or replaced.

  7. Should you encounter any difficulty or error messages while uploading your video file, please contact the Technical Assistant or Manager.

Once you’ve reviewed the above instructions, you’ll be ready to upload. You’ll be on your way to virtual chorus stardom! All that’s left is for you to join with your fellow chorus friends for on demand video performances celebrating the beautiful music you have virtually created. We will send you a complimentary ticket to the on demand event and hope you will invite your friends and family to purchase their tickets using the CICA website. All donated proceeds from these virtual events benefit the work of CICA and help cover the cost of mounting these types of virtual performances. Additionally, CICA will be providing you with a link to the event following the fundraiser. That way, you can enjoy this masterful creation whenever or wherever you like for days to come!